Graphic Healthcare

    Graphic Healthcare is an online platform on which Louis Malachane publishes his research exploring in depth the relationships between graphic design, art, activism, health and medicine. It collects both ancient and contemporary, European and international references.

The questions addressed are : what is the role of visual communication when it comes to health ? What are its possibilities for action ? How to communicate better in healthcare ? How to deal with subjects such as life, health, illness ?

Graphic design and communication have a role to play in the fields of health and medicine. By providing a prevention message, fighting epidemics and addictions, educating health professionals, guiding patients and organizing care processes and accurately indicating vital informations. Wouldn't good communication be essential to quality care ?

The site is composed of a section listing articles on different periods of graphic design, exhibitions dealing with these subjects, the relationship of contemporary art and medicine or the iconography of the struggles of certain patient associations that have established "health democracy". The ethical, scientific, epistemological and aesthetic changes of the "AIDS years" are one of Louis’ main interests.

Another part happens to be a blog in which short posts are published.

Graphic Healthcare is also active on instagram.

The future of general practice -
A territorial approach

    This is Louis Malachane's final thesis on the future of general medicine for the population of three suburban Parisian cities. The document consists of a medical article, a letter introducing the survey and an atlas presenting the territory where it took place.

Louis Malachane chose to use the opportunity offered by my internship in liberal medicine, from May to October 2016, to complete my thesis by focusing on the analysis of the opinions and expectations of the population of the territory on the future of the practice. As suggested by the French institutions in their latest proposals, the reform of healthcare provision must start in the territories. Thus, by asking patients, local dynamics and expectations are better understood while consolidating health democracy.

In the article, opinions were collected using a questionnaire and then analyzed with bivariate statistical tests.

Then, with the help of the atlas, the geography and urban planning of the territory was studied in order to better understand its organization, typical of peri-urbanity: industrial zones mixing with commercial zones, forests with fields and small towns are scattered here and there. Accurate maps of health demographics were also produced.

This dossier was distributed to the general practitioners of the territory, to other health professionals as well as to the mayors of the three cities.



    This book covers the medical internship of Louis Malachane in the Parisian hospitals. Inside are compiled all of his academic writings. Louis has interned in gastroenterology, diabetology, pediatrics and medical emergency departments. But also two training internships  in ambulatory practices and a last one in the research department in ethics of the Parisian hospitals. Also present are his extra-university work : his commitments to municipalities, various articles published, etc.

© Louis Malachane
2020 - Paris, FR